Monday, May 9, 2011


'To error is human', but to make errors continuously after knowing the mistake is inhuman and beastly act.Right to live peacefully in this world is the birth right of every one. I would like to get support from all my blog readers , face book friends and orkut friends to do strong campaign against the deadly poison ENDOSULFAN which is ruining the lives of thousands of people in different areas of India, specially in KERALA. More than 3000 people living near, downstream and downwind of the estate were affected by rare diseases like mental retardation, cerebral palsy, cancer etc
          Many studies and researches were done on this particular insecticide.All most all the studies concluded that ENDOSULFAN is a deadly poisonous insecticide,which has a direct effect on human beings and generation to come. Imagine where a group of people are denied the pure air, water and food .They are forced to fake the poison through air,water and food.They are denied of a healthy living, not only for them , but for the generation to come .The UNO classifies Endosulfan as highly dangerous insect killer and banned in 62 countries. Endosulfan should be completely banned.  
          Studies shows that , the poison was found in the blood, urine and even in the breast milk. Think , how dreadful is the situation . Should we want such an insecticide for our state ? Do we want such a killer poison for our vegetation ? Give your valuable support, suggestion and opinions !
